Coronavirus Budapest Hungary

coronavirus in Hungary

Find updated information on Coronavirus in Hungary and Budapest.


Coronavirus in Hungary information on the website of the UK Embassy:

Information on the website of the Hungarian government (in english) on these links:

  • Up-to-date information on coronavirus in Hungary on this link.
  • Dispatches on the coronavirus over the minutes on this link.

To stop the spread of coronavirus, the important role of water and barrier gestures:

As a reminder the 4 barrier gestures to be applied for the prevention of the coronavirus are:

– Wash your hands regularly.

– Sneeze and cough into your elbow.

– Use a single-use tissue.

– Wear a disposable mask when you’re sick.

You can also consult the Hungarian news website called ‘Index’ in its English version on this link.

You can also find more information in our article ‘Useful contacts in Budapest’ on this link.